lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

Introducing myself

Hi bloggers I'm Ignacio Antonio Muñoz Quinteros, I'm from Chile and i have 17 years old.

I live on a quietly place and i have a funny life, i have few friends but i dont need too much becouse i feel lost in a large group. well i love the rock music, especially the indie rock, i play the bass, guitar, a little of harmonic and a lattle of piano.

If you love the music know me or the video games, im a addict to them, bone my life is friends, music and video games. I like to go out with my friends ormy rock band to talk, drink or simply walk to get some air.

well I go for part I play in a rock band tributing the Red Hot Chili Peppers and sometimes we play on pubs or schools, I'm the bassist. I wish to be like Flea a great bassist.

My friends i have 3 on the school Williams, Eduardo and Koke. They follow me in all and I too we go out to drink, to play, to go out of the city, etc.

And the video games i love it but for the moment i don't have a pc, notebook, console or anything, for the momment I entertain with my bass and listen music. My favourite games are the shooters, like the Call of duty modern warfare 1,2,3; the Battlefield, Half life 2(and his expansions)(my favourite on the shooters),and the strategic games as my favourite of all games the total war saga. I will get a Desktop pc for the christmas with all the necessary to play all the games, as a quad-core processor, Ati HD radeon video card(6670 series) 500 GB of HDD 4 Gb of RAM and other thinks.

Oh right my family, I live with my father,mother and sister on my own house, we live peacefully and sometimes not, but we are a family.

On my future I project myself as a psychologist or a famous musician, but i seemore real the psychologist.

8 comentarios:

  1. Good Luck Ignacio with your blog and I know that you will be a famous musician xDD no really no xD

  2. I hope you do well and someday you will be a great musician, but remember I am black and play the bass this in my blood xD

  3. Hi RHCHP boy, you chose excellent games. I hope that you get your gaming pc to play them, however I'd use a Nvidia graphic card and a I5 or i7 processor with 8 or more GB of RAM.

  4. wooo I did not know you were in a band, though I knew you played the guitar and the bass, is cool

  5. Great!! I love Red hot Chili Peppers! I went to their last concert here in Chile and it was Absolutely Amazing :)

    REgarding your blog, I think it's cool, so keep on with the good job:)

  6. hello! I love your blog! post the mine! bye ♫

  7. about you .... interesting, it seems that your life is full of music, and good, nothing to follow jakajak urban rhythms, reggeatoon ..? you do not like that word right ... you do well with your band:)
